水务、市政阀门我公司研制的软密封中线对夹式蝶阀结构紧凑,90°回转开关轻松,密封可靠,使用寿命长,被广泛用于水厂、电厂、钢厂、造纸、化工、饮食等系统供排水中,作为调节和截止使用。的详细信息 我公司研制的软密封中线对夹式蝶阀结构紧凑,90°回转开关轻松,密封可靠,使用寿命长,被广泛用于水厂、电厂、钢厂、造纸、化工、饮食等系统供排水中,作为调节和截止使用。 The soft seal center line butt clamps
connected butterfly valve developed by us has a compacted structure and can
rotate within 90 degrees, the valve can be opened and closed easily, the
product is sealed reliably and provides a long service life. Therefore, our
butterfly valves are widely applied in water supply and drainage systems for
regulation and cut-off in many industries such as water plants, power plants,
steel mills, chemicals, paper, food and drinking, etc. 3.性能特点 Performance features The butterfly plate applies a
framework structure which provides high strength, large flow area and small
flow resistance. Overall painted to effectively
prevent rust corrosion, to transfer different medium, you only need to replace
the sealing material for the sealing seats. The valve has a two-way sealing
function, it is not controlled by the flow direction of medium, nor affected by
the spatial location, it can be installed in any direction. The valve adopts a three eccentric
structure, not only high temperature but also zero leakage are guaranteed. 3.5、本阀结构独特,操作灵活,省力,方便。 |
- 气动对夹蝶阀D671X-16快速切断阀不锈钢板常开闭防爆
- 浙江普天D343H硬密封蝶阀
- 不锈钢法兰衬四氟涡轮蝶阀D341F-16P
- 不锈钢硬密封蝶阀
- D971X-16C电动铸钢对夹蝶阀
- 气动蝶阀
- 法兰式蝶阀
- 浙江普天D643H硬密封蝶阀
- 京牌硬密封蝶阀,京牌三偏心蝶阀D343H,北京市阀门总厂股份有限公司蝶阀
- 软密封法兰蝶阀 带电动蜗轮 D341X-16Q DN450
- 蜗轮不锈钢蝶阀
- 蝶阀
- 美力德D373W-16P精品不锈钢手动对夹蝶阀不生锈易维护好保养
- 重锤型液控缓闭止回蝶阀
- 浙江普天硬密封蝶阀
- 304对夹软靠背蝶阀WD71XP-16P
- 电动不锈钢法兰蝶阀D943W/H/Y型号
- 手动偏心蝶阀
- D343W-16P法兰不锈钢蝶阀
- GT气动蝶阀D671X-16大扭矩对夹球墨板不锈钢板快开阀门DN80 100
- D043H双向压三偏心蝶阀
- 电动软靠背对夹蝶阀D971X-16Q
- 气动法兰不锈钢蝶阀D643W/H/Y型号
- 蝶阀